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          “Hey Sesshomaru?” Inuyasha asked, seeing his older brother lost in thought. He had this adorable pout when he was deep in thought and—hold up did he just call his brother adorable?

          “What is it Inuyasha?” Sesshomaru asked, annoyed that he couldn’t be quiet for five seconds.

          “How could you just leave her there?” Inuyasha asked,  referring to Rin. Inuyasha wouldn’t give  Kikyo up without a fight and yet Sesshomaru could give her up just like that?

          “It wasn’t my choice originally. Rin is frightened of her own kind, and that was something I couldn’t imagine. I did this as a favor to her you see.” He explained in his usual monotone manner of speaking.

          “I know you regret it.” Inuyasha told him.

          “Excuse me?” Sesshomaru growled. Inuyasha was really too blunt for his own good sometimes!

          “You still have her in your life. You can still talk to her. Go after her while you still have the chance!” Inuyasha sighed, staring at the cave floor. Sesshomaru watched as his eyes went from happy to lifeless in a matter of seconds.

          “Sesshomaru-Sama!” Jaken called as he ran inside the cave. He gasped when he saw Sesshomaru and Inuyasha…hanging together?

          “Stay here with him and look after him. If he’s harmed in any way you’re dead.” Sesshomary coldly ordered as he went to visit Rin.

Meanwhile in Kaede’s village Inuyasha’s friends run up to Sesshomaru.

          “Sesshomaru have you seen Inuyasha? He’s been gone a week and we’re worried!” Sango asked.

          “….” Sesshomaru didn’t know what to tell them. He had hardly shown feelings of caring for Inuyasha, but that was just how he was. Sesshomaru preferred to hide his emotions until he was alone, where he could cry in peace and not be judged for it. So as a result, he acted cold, so that his emotions were hidden.

          “Hello? Earth to Sesshomaru!” Miroku called as Sesshomaru jumped.

          “…” His heart was now pounding from being startled.

          “I think you scared him. His heart is pounding.” Shippo sighed.

          “Hang on a second.” Shippo jumped onto Seshhomaru’s chest, sniffing him.

          “What…are you doing?” Sesshomaru asked as Shippo jumped down.

          “Inuyasha’s scent and the scent of a cave is all over you. Where is he?” Shippo asked after his heart calmed down.

          “He’s resting in a cave near the forest here. I don’t know what happened to him, but he was badly injured when I found him…”He went quiet in the middle of his sentence. What he wanted to say was: and he’s losing himself, but he didn’t. He went to visit Rin, who smiled when Sesshomaru returned.

          “Sesshomaru-Sama! I’ve missed you! Where have you been-eehn?” She asked when he hugged her as if they hadn’t seen each other in years. While it wasn’t obvious to everyone, Rin could tell that he had been crying. She frowned and put something in his hand, giggling as he looked at it.

          It was a feather necklace that she had been working on. Sesshomaru grabbed it and left to go find Inuyasha. He was there in no time, of course. Inuyasha’s shoulder had finally healed and he got up from the cave. He grabbed his Tessaiga, and he walked outside. When he got there it started to rain. Inuyasha sighed as he walked towards a human village that was on fire.

          He could hear the screams of the humans, so he got closer. When he got there the entire village was on fire. Inuyasha froze at the sound of screaming, and at the smell of smoke. Inuyasha walked away from the fire. He knew he would have time to save one person, but he wasn’t going to. He watched with a lifeless expression as the village burned to the ground.

          You are a monster. You and I both know you could have saved one person in that village. Tessaiga growled.

          “Shut up. No one saved her did they? Why should I save anyone’s life, when part of me is gone anyway?” He coldly snapped to the sword. The sword replied with a harsh shock to his wrist, burning the skin.

          “You’re lucky I need you, other wise I’d leave you in the flames to die.” Inuyasha coldly snapped to the sword. Master, what is wrong with you?The sword thought. Eventually Inuyasha returned to Kaede’s village where he was greeted with lots of hugs.

          “Inuyasha? What happened to your hand?” Miroku asked, seeing his entire arm burned.

          “…”Inuyasha said nothing as he went to go lie down. Eventually he fell asleep and writhed in agony all night due to his nightmares.

He woke around two the next morning and decided to go for a walk. He grabbed Tessaiga but didn’t unsheathe it as he feared that it would hurt him again. He wanted to save a person, he did, but he was angry and wanted Kikyo back.

          Tears poured from his eyes and landed on the sword. Master please don’t cry. The sword begged. Inuyasha screamed and clawed at the ground, tears pouring out of his eyes. He was angry, and he was feeling destructive. Eventually he stopped and he stood up, still refusing to free the sword.

          He then decided to run until he couldn’t run anymore. He passed by several trees, rivers, villages, demons, and humans on the way. After about thirty minutes he finally ran out of breath from running, so he stopped running.

          “It’s a demon!” One of  the villagers screamed. Inuyasha was too tired to get up and he couldn’t hold his sword anyway.

          “Why isn’t it moving?” Another asked.

          “Who cares this will be an easy target!” another villager suggested.

          “You’re a genius!” They laughed as one of them knocked Inuyasha over. Inuyasha groaned as they continued to kick him. He tried to reach for his sword, but every time he did, he would just get kicked some more. Inuyasha silently begged for it to stop as the whole world turned black.

          Sesshomaru wasn’t too far away when he smelled Inuyasha’s blood.

          “Sesshomaru-Sama?” Jaken asked when he suddenly went quiet. Sesshomaru ignored him and started running towards the smell.

          “Sesshomaru-Sama where are you going? What’s the hurry?” Jaken gasped as he finally got to the river. When he saw what was happening it made his blood boil.

          “….” Sesshomaru growled as his eyes turned red with his anger. The humans gasped in horror as he wrapped his line of poison around their throats. He then used it to tear out their throats, smiling as they died.

          “I will always protect you, even when you lose yourself.” He said as he carried him to safety.

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