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Chapter 8

Where Everyone Met

Once the smoke cleared, Sesshomaru said, “Sess, Jaken, lets go.” Joucinzo, Sess, and Jaken followed Sesshomaru in the direction of Rin. “Thank goodness they came. It would not have been a victory without them,” Kagome said. “Hah! We would have won,” Inuyasha steamed. “Uh I think he knows,” Kagashe said. Kagome turned to Inuyasha and said, “I was going to tell you tomorrow, but I guess you figured it out already.” “I suppose we were warned that this would happen, by Sota,” Inuyasha said thinking back to the fateful night. Sango, Sanku, Miroku, Kouga, Hakakaku, Ginta, and Kirara all left. Kagon and Shippo, who were standing where they were standing during the battle, continued to watch, until Kagome said, “Why don’t we go catch-up? Kagashe you can take that hood off now.” Kagashe did as she was told, and Inuyasha asked, “Where did Kagashe acquire the necklace anyway?” “Oh that,” Kagon said, “Well that day she was being extremely stubborn about going into the feudal era, and I put my hand out to stop her from saying anything else on the subject. When I said the word “subject” the beads came out of my hand.” “So it was an accident?” Shippo asked, walking beside everyone. Kagome nodded, and the five of them reached the place where everyone was waiting.
Just then Kohaku who looked like a young man, showed up. Kohaku looked the same as he did ten years earlier. Kohaku fell into Sango’s arms. “Sister,” Kohaku said. “Kohaku, there’s some people I’d like you to meet.” Sango said. Sanku asked, “Is he my uncle?” “Yes, Kohaku this is my daughter Sanku,” Sango said. After all the introductions, Inuyasha said, “Well I guess this is it.” “You’ll still be around, right?” Sango asked. “Yeah, sure,” Kagome said.
Everyone hung around for three more hours, and then they started to part. Koga’s team decided to go home, to Ayame, but not before saying goodbye. Afterwards, Inuyasha, Kagome, Kagon, Kagashe, and Shippo headed back to the tree. Kagashe said, “You know it’s strange, a lot of people began and ended at the sacred tree. Kagon and I met at the tree even if he did kind of scare me that day, and Kenyo was killed at the tree by a sword that flew but was destroyed by the tree.” Kagon, Kagashe, Kagome, Inuyasha, and Shippo stood at the tree’s trunk in silence, and then Kagome said, “I think I would rather stay here, and then just drop in on the present world every so often. Inuyasha nodded, and said, “I know I was planning on using the jewel to become a full demon, but now I don’t think it’s worth it.” Kagome smiled, and said, “I know it would make Kagashe happy. None of us want you to change.” The five of them headed towards Lady Kaede’s village. Sango and Miroku along with Kohaku, Kirara, and Sanku decided to go live in the area Miroku grew up in, and about twenty years later Rin and Kohaku got married. Kouga on the other hand, got hitched up with Ayame ten years before Rin and Kohaku married.
Chapter End Notes:
Disclaimer: Inuyasha and charactors belong to Rumiko Takahashi. Kagashe, Sanku, Kagon, Sess, and Joucinzo I created. It may be a while before I write again but most likely he next one will be the three part Kagashe Trillogy, the first of the two trillogys that are in process mind you this is not my longest story.
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