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First off, I am soooooooo abhorrently sorry for the ridiculously long wait! Please don’t kill me, I mean, at least I updated, right?


Secondly, I edited my trailer and expanded it so it uses the whole song. I much prefer the new version, and it gives more hints as to what might happen. New trailer can be found here:



Definition of Japanese terms will be found at the end.


Dedication: I am going to dedicate this to my friend Amber, who is one of the most amazing people I know. I am honored to be her friend, and I only wish that she could read this. I also think that she would really like my description of Kagome’s headache, it’s an Amber-ish sort of phrase.


For disclaimer, see first chapter. Now, onto chappie 2!




Chapter Two: Away From the Sun



  It's down to this
I've got to make this life make sense
And now I can't tell what I've done

And now again I've found myself
So far down, away from the sun
That shines to light the way for me


The first thing Kagome noticed upon returning to consciousness was that she still had a headache. The blood pounding through her skull sounded like an army of sledgehammers attacking a football stadium. Actually, come to think of it, her head rather felt like a football stadium under attack from an army of bull elephants, wielding said sledgehammers in their trunks. It was a rather interesting sensation that Kagome would have brooded on, were it not for the fact that she was quite distracted by the second thing she noticed.


There were two very large brown eyes entirely too close to her own face for comfort. With a screech Kagome awoke fully and scrambled backwards, as the owner of the eyes did the same in the opposite direction.


There was a young girl in front of her, looking scared out of her wits. She appeared to be around the age of 10, and was wearing a small set of miko robes, the hakama a light blue and the haori a standard white. The girl stared at her with the largest eyes she’d ever seen on a human.


Kagome smiled at the girl as she slowed her breathing. “I’m sorry. You startled me.”


The girl gave a shaky smile back. “I am very sorry, miko-sama.”


“How did you know I’m a miko?” Kagome asked, surprised.


The girl seemed puzzled as well. “I am in training as a miko myself. I can sense your spiritual aura.”


“Oh, that would explain it. See, I’ve never had any formal training as a miko, so I wouldn’t really know.”


The girl gasped, staring at her in awe. “No training? And yet you’ve mastered control of your reiki?”


“I’m afraid I don’t quite understand what you mean.”


“Your reiki, your spiritual aura, it is calm. Most miko with any actual power have to have years of training. They can lose control easily before they are fully trained, and possibly kill themselves, and anyone around them. Then again, there aren’t all that many miko with enough power to do that kind of damage. The aura of your spiritual energy is huge, yet it is calm and controlled. It’s amazing.” There was wonder in the girl’s voice, making Kagome uncomfortable. It couldn’t be true, could it? She wasn’t some powerful super-miko thing, surely. That was just a strange thought. Hadn’t she always been so much weaker than Kikyo? But this girl seemed so sure of what she said...


“Well...that’s good then.” She flashed a grin at the girl, and pulled herself to her feet to examine her surroundings. She was still in the clearing that should have held the Goshinboku. With a small grimace at the distinctly tree-less patch of ground, she turned back to the girl. “So, I’m guessing you just found me here, right?”


“Hai Miko-sama. I was out on an errand for my sensei, and I could feel that there was another miko nearby. I came to investigate, and found you lying unconscious on the ground. I was just about to try to revive you, when you awoke suddenly. I must say you startled me very much Miko-sama.”


“Well, I could say the same thing, er...what exactly is your name anyway?” Kagome asked curiously.


The girl, who was still sitting on the ground, stood up and bowed deeply. “I am Cho, a miko-in-training from a village nearby. If it is not too much trouble, Miko-sama, may I inquire as to your name?”


Kagome opened her mouth to reply, but something whispering in the back of her mind told her to stop, and think about the situation first. Looking at it rationally, there was only one explanation for why the Goshinboku did not seem to exist. It was still there in her time, so she wasn’t in the future. And besides that, this place seemed quite similar to the Sengoku Jidai. Therefore, she could only be at a time before the Goshinboku existed. And if she was farther back in time, was it really a good idea to be revealing her name to anyone she met? What if there was somehow a record kept, that came to light later on in time? What if she accidentally changed something here, and it was linked to her name in the Sengoku Jidai? What if she met someone here that she knew in the Sengoku Jidai? She could change everything! It was probably best to remain anonymous.


“I’m very sorry, Cho-chan, but I don’t think I should tell you my name,” Kagome said.


The girl looked thoughtful, rather than resentful. “Well, perhaps I can still call you something else, instead of just your title?” She clapped her hands together and grinned. “I know! How about I call you Midori, after the color on your strange outfit?”


Kagome glanced down at the short green skirt. It was rumpled and dirt-stained, and was riding even higher than usual. With a scowl, Kagome flattened it out, and attempted to knock at least some of the dirt off. The skirt ignored her efforts, and she admitted defeat. A change of clothes was definitely in order. She looked back at Cho and smiled again at her. “That sounds like a good idea Cho-chan. And it’s very nice to meet you.” She bowed to the girl, her hair falling forward and sweeping against the grass.


Straightening up, she asked, “Now Cho-chan, where is your village? Would you mind...what was that?” Kagome glanced around sharply. There was something, sort of a tingling sensation, nagging at her consciousness. Even if she wasn’t trained, living in the Feudal Era for three years had at least taught her what the demonic aura of a youkai felt like to her senses. And that didn’t feel like a single youkai.


“Cho, get behind me!” The startled girl glanced at the fierce look on Kagome’s face, and then stiffened suddenly. She had apparently felt the presence as well. She scrambled around behind the older girl, while Kagome turned to face the threat. Her hand unconsciously reached to her back and clenched on air. Shit! I left my bow behind. Oh smooth move, Kagome! Her hands curled into fists.


With a rush of air several youkai burst into the clearing. They all appeared to be some sort of insect, rather like gigantic centipedes. But three of them were a sickly green color, and the fourth was the dull red of old blood. Each segment of their bodies had two small legs, and the ends of each leg appeared to be sharp enough to pierce flesh. Their small heads were nearly completely hidden from view by the huge mandibles snapping in place of a mouth. The three greens’ eyes were lightly gray, with no visible pupil. But in the onyx depths of the red’s eyes, there glinted a foreign intelligence. There was the impression that something entirely different was looking out of those eyes.


The youkai paused a few feet into the clearing, rearing back so that several feet of their disgusting bodies hovered off of the ground. All four of their heads were turned towards the miko shielding the little girl in the middle of the clearing. The three green ones seemed eager to rush forward, swaying in the air like a cobra preparing to strike. One of them leaned forward, its mandibles snapping eagerly, but fell back when the red one hissed at it. Its mandibles snapped shut irritably, but it did not offer to move forward. They didn’t advance, just swayed there, as if waiting for a signal.


“Cho,” Kagome breathed, barely moving her lips, “when I say so, I want you to run back to your village. Get help and then come back as quickly as possible. Don’t look back, just run, alright?” Kagome felt the hands gripping the back of her shirt tighten slightly and felt Cho’s head, which was pressed against her back, nod. One of the hands let go and Kagome felt her fingers being wrapped around something small and metal. It felt like a blade.


Moving very slowly she looked down, and saw the hilt of a dagger clenched between her fingers. I wonder if I can charge a blade, like I do when I fire an arrow? Tightening her grip slightly, she was gratified to see the 6-inch blade glow slightly pink along its edge. Well, that’s something. Her hands shook slightly as she drew the blade forward. She took a deep breath. I can do this. I know I can do this. I don’t need their help. Still, it would be nice if one of them were here. It wouldn’t be much of an effort to kill these things for any of my friends. Well, maybe Shippo. Okay girl, come on. Breathe. That’s it, in and out. She sucked in a breath and blew out slowly.  

“Are you ready Cho-chan?” She felt the girl nod against her back. “Alright, one...two...three! RUN!” With a yell she sprang away from the girl, running several steps, before spinning around to face the threat. “Hey! Over here!” Kagome waved her free hand over her head. Her eyes widened as the three green youkai flew straight toward her. Oh crap. She threw herself to the ground, wincing at the pain of several small rocks digging into her skin. The youkai flew straight over her head. Lifting her eyes to the other side of the clearing she watched as Cho’s blue hakama disappeared down a trail that she hadn’t noticed before. She allowed herself to feel relief before turning back to the youkai.


They had changed their direction and were now racing back toward her, mandibles snapping. With a grunt she hefted herself onto one knee and waited till they were closer. When they had almost reached her she sprang up and to the side, the fist that held the dagger extended. Something caught against the dagger, and it almost ripped itself from her hands. Kagome gave a sharp tug and the dagger came free. She fell to her knees again, and glanced down at the dagger. A line of a sticky green substance ran along it and dripped off the point.


Something gave a high pitched keening behind her and she turned her head to see one of the youkai flailing in the air. It whipped back and forth, mandibles snapping, still keening in pain. The same sticky green substance flew out of a long gash in its side, spattering the ground. Another one of them circled in the air around it, agitated. The other two were nowhere in sight.


The thrashing of the youkai began to slow, and the keeing lowered in pitch, until the creature fell to the ground with a low groan. It impacted with a thud. The other circled it wildly for several more seconds, before its head turned to Kagome suddenly, mandibles snapping loudly. It flew straight toward her, and even as Kagome ducked away from it, her arm was caught on one of the mandibles. She spun back around, dragged by the momentum of the youkai, the mandible embedded deep in her lower arm.. She screamed in pain and threw out her un-injured arm as she spun, the knife still in her grip. With a sickening crunch the blade sank deeply into the joint between the first segment and head. The mandible tore free of her arm, and she was hurled to the ground as the tail whipped around, slapping her back. Her uninjured hand broke her fall, jarring her wrist. There was a dull thud behind her.


When she turned shakily around, grimacing in pain as blood poured from the wound, the youkai was still. She crawled over, her injured arm tucked under her breasts, and retrieved the knife. She spat on the blade and wiped it on the grass.


There was a shrill scream in the forest behind her. Kagome gasped, as she turned to face the direction of the noise. “Cho!” she called. There was no answer, only another piercing cry.


“Damn.” Shakily she pushed herself to her feet with one hand, stumbling slightly as she moved to the path Cho had taken. She broke into an unsteady run, wincing as it jarred her arm.


After what seemed like an eternity, she spotted the girl. Cho was flat out on the path, attempting to crawl to safety. There was a large gash on the back of her right calf. Above her the third green flew high up into the sky, before turning to fall upon the girl again.


“NO!” Kagome screamed out, her hands extending. There was no way she could reach the girl in time; she was at least 20 yards away.


There was an explosion of white light, a ripping sensation in the back of her head, and then blackness overtook her for the third time in as many hours.




A/N: Whew! Finally got that done. Once again, I apologize for the terrible wait. I know, I promised a couple of you guys that I’d have it out really soon after the first chapter. I’m so sorry I lied! I don’t really have an excuse, except for a lack of self-confidence. You guys should thank my friend Yoco, thanks to her I finally worked on this. KUDOS FOR YOCO!


Okay, so the song at the beginning was Away From the Sun by 3 Doors Down. What am I listening to at the moment? If Everyone Cared by Nickelback and Standing Outside the Fire by Garth Brooks


And another thing. To those of you who wanted to know, this story is posted on 5 sites, all are listed below.


Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I think it might be a bit off, I don’t know. I’m sorry it’s shorter than the last one, but I decided to get it out now, rather than make you guys wait any longer. I will try very hard not to have such a long gap in between chapters again!


And I don’t think I’ve mentioned it yet, but you guys RULE! Holy crap, I got TWENTY-SIX reviews for chapter one!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!1 *fireworks* I love you guys!!!!


Thanks to everyone who reviewed!!!!!!!!

On A Single Spark

Helikesitheymikey; Lisa; Ethereal Siren; Maru-KunKun; moniq; sakurachan_1

On fanfiction

Minute-Mist; Gina; Kat; KibaSin; hermonine; neko-hanyu; ScarredHeart10; NickXCrys - Mimi; ingi-doo; Twisted Priestess 

On Dokuga

asian_obsessed girl XD; I like pie *_^ ; hikari hime   on Inuyasha Fanfictionfma_inu123; dirtydogs57;

On Media Miner

~napai-onna~ ; simplyconfused; yusukekuramasgirl; ladydeath31178  


Helikesitheymikey – I love your theory! But I’m not saying if it’s true or not. *wink* 

Kat – Thanks for the feedback my friend. If I hadn’t already posted the chappie on five sites I would have gone back through and did what you said. Lol *hug*


KibaSin – Thanks Kiba! That’s very kind of you. So, have your wonderings brought you any theories? What about this chapter? Come on, I love to hear theories!


neko-hanyu – I know this isn’t exactly soon, but do I still get a cookie? Pwease?


hikari hime – Arigatou Gozaimasu! I love the fact that you’re intrigued! Thanks for the review!  


Thanks also to my friend Yoco, who didn’t leave me a review, but did message me telling me what she thought!  


THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!!!!! Squeeeeee!!!!!!! *happy dance* Now will you all please leave me another review? Pwetty pwease? I would love to hear your theories, it’s great to know what you guys are thinking.   


I’m also sort of iffy about that fight scene; please tell me how I did!  


And if anybody has a question you can contact me through whatever site you’re reading on, or at bow_to_the_pencil@live(dot)com. Thanks peeps! 


Japanese words:


Hakama = accepted fanon name of those big poofy pants

Haori = accepted fanon name of the shirt they wear as well

Sensei = a respectful term denoting a teacher, can be a from of address

-sama = a very respectful form of address, denoting someone of a very high rank.

Sengoku Jidai = Warring-states era, a.k.a. the Feudal Era.

Cho = butterfly

Midori = green

Youkai = demon

Miko = priestess

Reiki = One of the terms I’ve come across that describes the spiritual energy of miko.


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