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{Back with Inu and Kagome}
"Kagome, I love you too!" Kagome gasped slightly and her eyes grew wide. Slowly, tears began to well up in them, and she sank back down to her knees. Her hands flew to her face, and she began to sob uncontrolably.

"Not fair..." Inuyasha was surprised.

"What, Kagome?" "I said, not fair! NOT FAIR, NOT FAIR, NOT FAIR!"

"W-what do you mean?" Kagome looked up at him, her brown eyes shining with emotion.

"I mean, why would you say that? Why now, of all times? After everything that's happened lately, after all we've been through, why did you choose now to tell me that?! It's not fair!"

Inuyasha stared at Kagome, trying to find the meaning to what she had said. "Kagome, I don't get it. I had hoped that you'd-"

"That I'd what? Fall into your arms? Or what? Were you gonna take a page from Miroku's book and try and make your move on me?"

"Aww, come on, Kagome! You know I'm not like that!"

"What then?!"

Inuyasha's face fell. "I was hoping you'd be happy!"

Kagome shook her head. "How could you honestly think that I'd be happy? I can't be, because I don't believe you really meant it when you said you loved me."
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