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Chapter 15: Plans…part 2

Last time: "I knew it! I knew the both of you were lying!"

-Main Wing- (Sesshomaru’s palace)

Both Sesshomaru and Kagome froze, Sesshomaru still holding onto Kagome and both looked up shocked to hear someone walking into the main wing. Kagome cleared her throat and said, “Who said we were lying, how dare you even suggest something like that! I uh, just don’t wanna go there with him right now, Chika and Leiko are waiting for me.”

She glared at Inuyasha, daring for him to retort. “How did you get in here anyway Inuyasha…..?” She said.

“Taisho blood.” He said to Kagome. “It doesn’t matter if it’s full or half….” He gave Sesshomaru a look, glaring at him.

“I thought you were knocked out Half-breed.” Sesshomaru said. “I suppose Ah-Un wasn’t hungry for Hanyou…. Pity….”

(A/N: Ha-Ha!!)

Both brothers glared at each other in disgust.

“Since you’re here,” Sesshomaru started in a bored tone. “This will be you’re room…” he gestured towards a room. “The Monk’s room will be next to that and the slayer’s room will be next to My and Kagome’s room.”


-More Silence-

(crickets chirping)

and then…….

WHAAATTTTT!!!!” “You cannot sleep with him Kagome!” Inuyasha yelled at her.

Kagome’s face turned white with shock….oh so that’s what he meant when he said, ‘So, when one is mated…there are certain things one must do….’

‘Great…. Great…Just great.’ She groaned inwardly. She was going to jump off a cliff once she was out of this ‘predicament.’

‘Well it was Sesshomaru’s fault…’ her conscious said, popping in. ‘He’s the one who declared you as his, with his mark, you being with child etc..etc….’

‘Yes….’ She thought.

‘You don’t want out of this situation do you?’ her conscious said, butting in again.

‘……………………..’ was Kagome’s response.

‘So then why do you have a problem with it Kagome?’ conscious said again, grinning at the thought of ‘having a go’ at the sexy demon lord.

‘And if you’re lucky Kagome, who knows what could happen?’ ‘You could make magic…’ her conscious sang. And at this Kagome’s face burned red.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome and then said, “How…. Why… could you let this happen Kagome?” He sighed and stared at the ground. He was gonna pull out tetsuiga but he stopped... because he saw Kagome lean into Sesshomaru in fear that Inuyasha might hurt her.

How ironic was that……..

He didn’t say anything after that…. After all, there was nothing left to say……He still had a feeling that both of them were hiding something, and he was going to find out what…..

Kagome watched Inuyasha’s retreating back and then sighed inwardly. ‘Oh Inuyasha….’ She turned and then looked at Sesshomaru, bluntly stating….

“I am NOT sleeping with you Hentai….” She gave him a look, which said she meant it. “You can go off and find yourself some other female to rut…..”

“Eeep..!” suddenly she was picked up off the floor and thrown over Sesshomaru’s shoulder. “Hey what’s the big idea you big Ogre !?”

“I beg to differ Kagome.” He said smoothly, chuckling at her outraged face.

“Hentai….really you are….but who could tell huh?” Kagome grumbled at him. “No one would guess that with your flawless features and sexy…..errr….oops….” She flushed red and didn’t continue.

“Well Kagome, dear…it seems as if your will to become my mate has been corrupted……we’ll just have to fix that….” He said, ignoring the fact that she was kicking him in the chest, quite hard……

-With Chika and Ichiro- (Sesshomaru’s study)

So Chika had made it to Sesshomaru’s study and made herself comfortable on her mate’s lap, hell why not? She was lying against his chest and stared into the fireplace.

“Ichiro, I’m bored.” She said.

She looked up at him, he was reading a book about god-knew-what……While stroking the top of her hair softly.

“Ichiro darling…..” She continued.

“Hmm?” He said.

She glared and decided to throw a fit, chanting….. “Ich-i-ro, Ich-i-ro….” “I’m bored, really, really bored!” and she jumped up and down on his lap to get his attention….“Kagome went off somewhere with Sesshomaru, Leiko had to go see to something important….”

‘Probably to go see the spy’s that she has stationed on the western borders…..’ ‘But why couldn’t I have gone with her?’ Oh yeah, now she knew why…. Chika had come to tell Ichiro that she and Leiko had to err… ‘Run off’ somewhere and he didn’t say anything, but just took her in his arms, sat her on his lap, and didn’t let her out of his sight.

‘Damn it.’ She thought. He didn’t know about Leiko’s ‘operation’ did he? ‘Damn him for being so smart and for him having an iron grip.’ She’d been sitting here since forever, not that she minded sitting in his lap, but……

‘Hmm…’ She thought, looking at the book he was reading……and suddenly she grinned evilly. “Is a book more important to you than me Ichiro?” She started to (fake) sob. “I’ve been replaced by a book?!” She punched his chest and moved away from her mate’s lap, well trying to really….

“Chika, my love…don’t be silly now…” He said in a smooth voice. “You do know how important you are to me right?” he tickled her and she begged for mercy.

“Why am I sitting here, for like forever though?” she asked him angrily.

He pulled her closer and then whispered in her ear, “Why would I want my mate to be placed in any danger? I still seem to recall that I love you….” “Well just to inform you…Leiko’s not where you think she is….Yukio caught her, before she ran off…..” ‘And she’s probably getting the lecture of a lifetime from Yukio.’ He thought vaguely.

He ran a finger down her spine as she shivered, “Now why Chika,” he whispered in her ear, now running his finger down her backside…. “Why would I want a book over someone who I can play with?” He chuckled at her outraged face and when she was about to retort he kissed her.

Chika glared at him for being so cocky, but didn’t say anything…. After all how could she? Ichiro was kissing her, not looking as though he was going to let go of her anytime soon…

The door opened and then there was a…. “Oh sick!!! What is wrong with everyone today? Why can’t all you people get a ROOM?????”

He sighed and was about to walk out, but Chika stopped him.

"Inuyasha." "Have you seen Kagome and Sesshomaru?"

(A/N: grin)

Inuyasha gave her an incredulous look and then said, a bit sarcastically..."Yeah Sesshomaru and her are busy kissing as well in the main wing, holding each other and making plans on where everyone is sleeping, of course they'll be sleeping together..." he trailed off, picturing them together, in a bed and...and thought he was gonna gag.

'Of course.' Chika thought evilly. This was turning out better than she'd hoped for...

Lady Nefertiti: Another chapter done!!

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