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The Inuyasha look-alike blinked, confused. “Wha-“

The girl hugged him fiercely, saying, “Inuyasha! You came back! How did you find me?”

He looked to the man who had been holding her, searching for some sign of what to do. The man stared bitterly at him, glaring daggers. Finally, he pried the girl off of him, dusting himself off. “I don’t know whom you are talking about,” he said, crossing his arms across his chest. He wore a black leather jacket over a white t-shirt and dark, snug-fitting jeans. “You shouldn’t do that on impulse,” he scolded.

The girl looked shocked. She came up to his face, examining him more closely. “The resemblance is amazing,” she commented to the male.

“He has to be Inuyasha,” the man reasoned.

“He doesn’t recognize me, Sesshou,” she replied back to him, “He doesn’t seem to recognize you, either.”

“I don’t recognize either of you,” he snorted, turning away and closing his eyes.

The man sniffed the air before him. “He smells like him,” he stated calmly.

“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” he shouted.

“Don’t bother. He has an excellent sense of smell,” the girl said to him, smiling brightly. “Do you?”

“Have a great sense of smell? Yeah, something I was born with,” he answered turning back to her.

He quickly looked over her. She looked faintly familiar, very pretty. Somewhere in the near-distant reaches of his mind, he had seen those eyes before. Sniffing the air around him, he found he could smell her. She smelled sweet and calm. Where did that come from? Deep within the reaches of his soul, he felt something for this girl, but he couldn’t remember what it was. It was like hate but also deep love. He couldn’t make up his mind. The girl yelled sharply at him, snapping him out of his reverie.

“What?” he asked absently.

“Do you recognize me faintly?” she asked hopefully.

“Very faintly,” he said, causing a frown to appear on the man’s lips.

“What about him?” she asked, gesturing toward her companion.

Inuyasha look-alike studied the man. His features were angelic, something someone would call beautiful and not cute, as girls put it. The way he carried himself showed he was superior to others. Looking into his eyes, he triggered something inside him. Deep hate and admiration shone like a beacon inside him. He, involuntarily, gave out a feral growl. Immediately, he was pinned to the wall by the man. His speed was incredible, he didn’t even see him coming. The girl laid a hand on the man’s shoulder, and he released him, letting him slide down the wall.

“Sorry,” the man muttered, “natural reflex.”

“It’s okay,” he answered, “I didn’t mean to, umm, growl.”

“It seems like he’s Inuyasha’s reincarnation,” the girl reasoned. “There’s no reason for us to bother him.”

The strange girl turned away, hooking her arm through the man’s. They started to walk away, but instinct told Inuyasha’s reincarnation to stop the girl. For some odd reason, he didn’t want to see the girl walking away from him. It tortured his body and soul deeply.

“What’s your name?” he asked, catching the girl’s wrist.

The man turned before the girl did, releasing a canine growl. The girl nudged him slightly, telling him not to worry. She turned and smiled at the reincarnation.

“My name’s Kagome. Higurashi Kagome,” she replied, then indicated her masculine friend, “This is Sesshoumaru. What’s your name?”

“Atasuke,” he answered, “I have no last name. But, people call me Yasha.”

She smiled politely, making his breath catch a little. He liked to see her smile. “Nice to meet you, Atasuke Yasha. Do you go to school here?”

“Yeah, I was just looking around. Sorry I ran into you. I just like to run,” he said sheepishly.

“It’s alright,” she said kindly, “Well, see you around!”

“Yeah, see ya’,” he answered.

She smiled again before turning and leaving with her friend. Atasuke felt a pang of jealousy seeing Sesshoumaru with Kagome. Where’d that come from? He mentally kicked himself for falling for a girl at first sight. It’s never happened before. In fact, no girl has ever been attractive to me. Silently, he promised himself he would run into her again sometime. Then, after staring a few seconds at her retreating form, he ran again, towards the next class on his list, history of Japan-the Sengoku Jidai.

Sesshoumaru waited until Atasuke was out of sight and stopped staring at them before talking to Kagome.

“Why would Inuyasha have a reincarnation?” he asked acidly.

“I really don’t know. Why would you care, Sesshou?” she replied.

“I don’t like him,” he said, clenching his fist at his side.

“Calm down, Sesshou,” she said gently, leaning into him. “Why are you so worried? We don’t have to worry about him.”

Yes, we do. He might take you away from me. “Worried? I’m not worried. I just don’t like him,” he assured.

“I know when you’re worried. Five years have taught me some things,” she said, looking up and brushing some stray hairs from his face.

“Really? And what would I be worried about?” he asked, turning his face to her.

“You really wouldn’t want me to say it out loud,” she reasoned, looking straight ahead again.

“Go ahead. You’re probably wrong,” he assured both her and himself.

“Okay. You’re afraid that I’ll fall in love with him and forget my friendship with you,” she guessed, turning to him.

With the totally surprised expression on his face, she guessed she was right. “Don’t worry,” she reassured, caressing his face, “First, he doesn’t even know me. Second, he wouldn’t even care. Third, I won’t even try. And fourth, I would never forget you.”

His mouth hung open in surprise. “I…I…” he stammered, not knowing what to say.

Both had stopped walking, Kagome was expectantly watching him. “You…”

“I…” he paused, looking out the glass windows of the long sunlit corridor, “don’t know what to say,” he finally said, smiling at her.

She smiled back, draping her arms around his neck and pulling him down a little. “Say you’ll be my boyfriend.”

If Sesshoumaru had been any more shocked, he would have fainted. “You…” he was at a loss for words, today.

“Love me? Yes,” she said for him, her lips connecting with his.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, deepening the kiss. Sesshoumaru’s hair slid over his shoulder and onto hers, creating a curtain between them and the rest of the world. When the kiss ended, they both pulled back slowly. Kagome opened her eyes, smiling up at him. He watched her warily, gauging her reaction. She liked it???

“I’ve always wanted to do that,” she said, a heart-melting smile directed towards him.

“So have I,” he said, smiling back.

She looked a little surprised. “I thought you said ‘a kiss is just a kiss’.”

“Maybe I was lying,” he said, folding her in his arms, resting his chin on her head.

“Didn’t seem like you were,” she said, sighing contentedly against his chest.

“I didn’t mean anything by it,” he explained, nuzzling his nose in her soft, silky hair.

“Mmm, so that means you consent to being my boyfriend?” she suggested.

“Mmm,” he answered.

“This scene is getting a little to mushy,” Kagome said, wrinkling her nose.

“I agree wholeheartedly,” he said, breaking the embrace.

“Totally,” she said, continuing to walk, hooking her arm through his.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and they continued on their way home. Through the bushes outside the window, Atasuke growled. He dashed away from the scene, face twisted in disgust. “Looks like I have competition.”
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