Chapter 8
Sesshomaru’s Request
Three days after the tragedies, Kagashe looked out the window of the hut, and Rin, Jaken, Ah-Un, Kagura, and Sesshomaru appeared at Kagome’s and Kagashe’s doorstep. Kagashe smiled wearily, and Kagome saw them so she went to the door. “Please come in,” Kagome said. Rin, Jaken, Kagura, and Sesshomaru walked in, and Kagome said, “What brings you here?” “Kanincha’s planning something,” Sesshomaru said. “Yeah, I’ve noticed that too,” Kagome said. “If there was ever a time I wished my little brother was here it would be now. Kagashe needs to learn the Wind Scar, and quickly.
I don’t know what Kanincha is planning, but if Kagashe doesn’t know the Wind Scar by the time Kanincha’s army is complete, there will be no hope,” Sesshomaru said. “But how, I mean the Wind Scar can’t be taught,” Kagome said. “Maybe, I can force her to see it; like I did with her father,” Sesshomaru said. Kagome looked at him and then at Kagashe who was staring out the window. Kagome said, “I’ll ask her. Kagome walked over to Kagashe and said, “Kagashe I know that you want to take revenge for Shippo, but first you need to be prepared.” Kagashe looked at her and said, “Why did it have to come to this? Even Kouga is gone.” “Kagashe, nobody is blaming you; things like this just happen,” Kagome said. “But it is all my fault; if I hadn’t insisted on training in that spot, then Shippo never would have died,” Kagashe said.
“Kagashe, listen Sesshomaru has asked if you’d be willing to train with him; something big is coming and we all need to be ready to face it,” Kagome said. Kagashe nodded and said, “If I can kill Kanincha, then it’s worth it.” “Exactly what I want to hear,” Kagome said. Kagashe walked over from where she had been standing and said to Sesshomaru, “I’ll train with you.” Sesshomaru nodded and said, “Rin, Jaken, Kagura, would you keep Kagome company?” Rin said, “Yes, my lord.” Jaken stood there with a stupid expression on his face, and Kagura sat down with Rin. Sesshomaru and Kagashe then left.
Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry for the late update, Word has been acting wierd.
Chapter End Notes:
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and characters, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own the idea, it belongs to Akira Toriyama. Kagashe I created.