Reviews For Relief
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Reviewer: LadyyT013 Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Aug 2013 7:57:02 PM Title: Learning of Love

Sorry about your grandma :( 


loved the update.


add when you can  :) 

Author's Response:

Thanks, I will as soon as possible.


Reviewer: LadyyT013 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Jul 2013 6:58:04 AM Title: Getting Home and Retelling the Adventure

oh and i'm still tryna figure out if that little conversation okami was having before she left still holds any significance... smh sounded soo sinister!

Author's Response: You're so observant... but I can't tell you. You'll have to wait to find out until I can get the next chapter up... I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to sweat about if it's Fluffy-sama in her living room or not. I'll try not to keep you waiting for too long.

Reviewer: LadyyT013 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Jul 2013 6:57:01 AM Title: Getting Home and Retelling the Adventure

can i take a wild hopeful guess and say is mr fluffykins sittin in her living room?


Reviewer: LadyyT013 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Jul 2013 5:28:02 AM Title: Confusion, Tenseness, and Insults Ahead

Thanks for the shoutout :)

 Sesshomaru IS an ass!! BUT im not too upset because i got a feeling hes gonna pop up when she does get home! lol along with kouga and ayame if they're still around!

can't wait for the next update to this and hurts like love! you're a great writer lol 

Author's Response: You deserved that shoutout. He is an ass, but I promise he'll get better. You have good instincts and I hope you'll like the twists I have in store for the next chapter. I'll have it up soon. Promise.

Reviewer: LadyyT013 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jul 2013 7:00:40 AM Title: Healing Emotions and Wounds

she know she wants sesshomaru lol

glad ayame's preggersss

smh i feel like sesshy's gonna pop up in the future if he's still alive... doubtful that he's not!


Reviewer: LadyyT013 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Jul 2013 7:47:17 PM Title: Pain, Wishes, and Regrets

sesshy's tryna court sorcha!!! lol hes loving this feisty little mixed breed! lol


Author's Response: Yep. See, that's why I like you. You get what I'm trying to say without me having to spell it out. They'll be getting a bit closer before she goes home and I promise you'll like the ending... if I ever get to it.

Reviewer: Atsuko29 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jul 2013 5:12:27 PM Title: Planning to Get Away

It'll be explained shortly, I promise. It'll make sense the farther into the story it goes.

Reviewer: LadyyT013 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jul 2013 3:21:33 PM Title: A Day In School To Learn Nothing

i like this so far lol

really interesting!

so... are they wolfs or dog demons?


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