Member Since: 12 Apr 2012
Membership status: Member
Bio:Hello, I'm pretty sure you can see my name, but if you can't: I'm Shea. Until further notice, I am removing Family and New Love from this site, I started to look over it and realized that it was really bad to me... So I'll be going back through it and editing, and once I find it satisfatory I'll repost it. To those who are reading some of my newer stories, I'm really sorry. I was blocked on them for a while. Finding Family is going to be getting a new name soon. I have actually gotten a lot of work on it, and had it typed up ready to put it on here, but my tablet screen broke and when they fixed it, they cleared all of my stuff off. I'll have it up as soon as I can, I promise. I am also trying to work on Relief. I had some of it ready, but it also got lost thanks to the people who fixed my tablet. I'll try to have some new chapters up as soon as possible. I would have, but after I lost everything, my grandmother kicked my family out of our house so I don't really have a base of operations right now. As soon as I get something ready, I will post it on here for you guys. Thanks for reading this, if you actually did. So I made a mistake the other day and accidentally deleted Finding Family. It's okay though becuase I'm going to start retyping it and fixing some things up. I'll be reposting it in just a few days, if I don't, send me an email and I'll get on it, I promise. I'm sorry for all the confusion.