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Inuku and Plentiyasha”

The group slowly made their way to Kaede’s hut. Miroku stopped.

“Wait. Before we bother Kaede, we might want to conduct a test.”

Kagome stopped and turned, her hand firmly grasped around Inuyasha’s.

“A test? What kind of test?”

“Make Inuyasha some of that ninja food he likes so much. Maybe that’ll jog his memory.”

Sango nodded in agreement. “That’s right! Inuyasha loves that stuff.”

Kagome smiled and turned to the confused hanyou. “You want me to make you some Raman, Inuyasha?”

Plentiku started blankly. “Umm…who’s Inuyasha? And who’s Raman?”

Kagome sighed. “Great start.”

After 10 minutes, Kagome held a steaming bowel of Raman soup in front of Inuyasha’s face.

“Here you go! Your favorite food in the world!”

Plentiku took the bowel cautiously and sniffed. This new sense of smell was powerful, and Plentiku quickly withdrew in disgust.

“Ugh, it smells.”

Kagome frowned. “Just try it. You love it.”

Plentiku lifted the chopsticks and licked one of the noodles. She gagged and rejected the steaming noodles in a pile by Kagome’s feet.

“Ugh! I don’t know what deranged psycho eats this crap, but it certainly isn’t me!”

The group exchanged puzzled looks. Kagome knelt down, picking up the bowel and utensils.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with you, Inuyasha, but…”

“Inuyasha, Inuyasha, Inuyasha! That’s all I hear! I don’t know who this Inuyasha guy is, but I’m not him!” Plentiku finally exploded.

The group gasped in shock.

“If you’re not Inuyasha, then who are you?” Shippo asked.

“My name is Plentiku.” The girl put her hands on her hips.

Seeing Inuyasha in such a feminine stance made Miroku chuckle. Plentiku glared at him. Kagome just stood there, amazed and a little beside herself.

“So, if you’re not Inuyasha, where is he?”

Plentiku shrugged. “Hell if I know.”


Inuyasha was in the jailhouse all night. The guards had left to check out the continuing sale in the village. Inuyasha stayed in the tiny cell; but he was completely entertained. When the guards finally left, Inuyasha took a peek down his shirt and smiled.

“Ah, so that’s what they look like up close.”

Once he was sure he was alone, he began fondling his breasts again. He squeezed, poked, pulled, and stroked his new toys.

“Should I come back later?” A voice interrupted his exploration.

Inuyasha quickly dropped his hands and looked at the window. A small rodent looked in at him. It had little white feet, a brownish, tan coat, big, black eyes, round pink ears, and a fluffy tail. Inuyasha had never seen a creature such as this. It wasn’t quite a rat, and it wasn’t quite a squirrel. He tilted his head at the curious creature.

“Uh…” He responded dumbly.

“You look awful busy, Plentiku. You haven’t fondled yourself that way since you first got them.”

Inuyasha blushed. “What the hell are you watching me for you perverted little muskrat!”

Kiachi laughed. “I’ll get you out.” He said.

Inuyasha sat up. “What? Really?”

“Of course. But, I told you you’d get caught.” He said, chewing on the window bars.

Inuyasha got up and walked over to the window.

“Who are you anyway?”

Kiachi stopped chewing looked up at Inuyasha.

“Hilarious, Plentiku.”

Inuyasha stepped back. “Who’s Plentiku?”

Kiachi rolled his eyes. “Geez, just because I was right doesn’t mean you have to change your identity. Don’t be so immature.”

Kiachi went back to chewing. Inuyasha went to object, but Kiachi spoke first as his teeth went through the iron.

“Hey, I got it. Let’s go before those idiot guards come back.”

Kiachi leapt off the window and back towards the forest. Inuyasha followed the odd little creature. A good nights sleep, and he would be off in the morning to find his friends.

Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Kirara all sat in Kaede’s hut.

“What brings ye all here to visit me?” Kaede asked.

“Well, it’s Inuyasha.” Kagome said. “He’s not quite himself.”

“How so?”

Kagome turned to Inuyasha, as did the rest of the group. He stood in front of an old mirror. He slowly pulled the front of his shirt down, exposing his pecs. He jumped back in surprise.

“Oh my gosh!” He gasped in the girliest voice possible, touching his nipples.

Kaede nodded.

“Hmm. How peculiar. Inuyasha, come here, please.” Kaede called.

Inuyasha seemed to ignore her. Kagome leaned forward.

“Umm, he likes to be called ‘Plentiku’ now.”

Kaede rubbed her chin. “That really is strange. Plentiku, come here please.”

Inuyasha walked over to the old lady and took a seat. Kaede leaned close.

“Who are ye, child?”

“I am Plentiku, the raccoon hanyou of the North, and I want to go home.”

The group, again, looked at each other. Kaede leaned a bit closer and looked into Inuyasha’s eyes. They were brown.

“This girl speaks the truth.” Kaede concluded. “She is not Inuyasha.”

Kagome got up. “Not Inuyasha? Then where is he?”

Plentiku also stood up. “And where is my body?”

“My guess is that Inuyasha is in Plentiku’s body.” Miroku stated.

“The monk is correct.” Kaede agreed. “Inuyasha is wherever Plentiku’s body was last.”

“That’s 3000 miles North of here.” Plentiku whined.

“How did this happen?” Sango asked.

Kaede shook her head. “Of this, I am unsure. It could be a spell, or a potion…I don't know what magic has caused this.”

Plentiku put her hand on her head and sighed. As she did this, the sleeve slowly slid down. Kagome eyed the bracelet.

“Where’d that come from?”

Plentiku looked at the bracelet and smiled.

“Hey! I stole…I mean I got one just like this.” She looked at it carefully. “But, I had it on the other hand.”

Kaede seemed enthralled by the bracelet. “Let me see that!”

She yanked it close and examined it. “Ah. Now it all makes sense.”

“What makes sense?” Shippo asked eagerly.

“A witch named Aratule made a pair of these bracelets. She is the mother of Urasue, the witch that brought my sister back to life.”

Plentiku listened intently. “I live by the Aratule village.”

Kaede continued. “When Aratule made the bracelets, she put a spell on them. If they were separated, those who wear them will switch bodies. That is why Inuyasha and Plentiku are trapped.”

Kagome nodded. “So, all we have to do is find Inuyasha, right? That doesn’t sound very hard.”

“Aiy, but this ye must do by the lunar eclipse, which is next week.”

The group gasped.

“How on earth are we going to travel 3000 miles in a week?” Plentiku yelled.

Kaede shrugged. “I suggest ye get going, if ye want to make the deadline.”

The group wasted no time in thanking Kaede and leaving immediately.

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