[Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstarPrinter
Summary: omg
Rated: G
Categories: Humor, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance Characters: Ayame, Custom, Hakudoshi, Inu no Taishou, Inu Yasha, Izayoi, Kagome Higurashi, Kagome's Mom, Kagura, Kanna, Kikyo, Kirara, Kohaku, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo
Challenges: Make it or break it challenge( good for begginers)
Challenges: Make it or break it challenge( good for begginers)
Series: Tagumon/Solaris and Inuyasha
Chapters: 30 Completed: Yes
Word count: 6229 Read: 259611
Published: 15 Aug 2010 Updated: 04 Sep 2010
Story Notes:
 the second  series of Tagumon and Inuyasha YAY

1. Chapter 1: Prolouge NOT GOOD!!!Mimichiko taken Naraku returns!!! by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (104 words)

2. Chapter 2: Move out rescue squad by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (339 words)
   we make some teams to rescue girls.... big woop lol

3. Chapter 3 Tagumon's true Identity: Solaris unleashed!!! by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (241 words)

4. Chapter 4 Solaris (Tagumon) Upset The Mystery by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (535 words)
 Oh no....

5. Chapter 5 Solaris(Tagumon) Ultimate cosplayer, plus Inuyasha and Shippo in Peril by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (241 words)
whoa gay

6. Chapter 6 Solaris (Tagumon) Explodes Disaster (Omg im good) by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (125 words)
       I win against Koga ROLF very short

7. Chapter 7 Inuyasha is funny by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (119 words)

8. Chapter 8 Kagome's family by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (160 words)
Finally you'll know what a forsaken stone is!!!

9. Chapter 9 Forsaken Stone Legend, Solaris The Savior by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (249 words)
      I am a legend I had No idea

10. Chapter 10 Aqua road good friend.... by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (196 words)

Yay it's them


11. Chapter 11 Lost Solaris, Rin and Kohaku part 1 by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (201 words)


when Mimichiko fell time and space was distorted and we were all seperated! Now i'm seeing Rin and Kohaku and WE must go find the Others!!!! but from my last encounter with Kohaku Will me and Rin Be alright I hope so becauseI gotta go to the bathroom again 

12. Chapter 12 Weird by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (110 words)

13. Chapter 13 It's A Bird it's A Plane NO It's SUPER SESSHOMARU by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (85 words)

14. Chapter 14 Kikyo and Inuyasha and Solaris with Shikigami by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (233 words)

15. Chapter 15 Mimichiko...... by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (192 words)

16. Chapter 16 Broken Hearted Solaris v.s. Sesshomaru by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (251 words)
    YAY b

17. Chapter 17 Solaris' Misery We have a day off by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (581 words)

18. Chapter 18 Solaris' group by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (192 words)
I get an item

19. Chapter 19 Koga and Ayame's Storyline Search for The Earth stone by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (324 words)
Sesshomaru has Water Now we get Earth STONE

20. Chapter 20: Miroku and Shippo's Story line Search for the Forest stone by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (334 words)
       So Koga beat the mole meanwhile in the forest....

21. Chapter 21 Sango and Kohaku's Storyline search for the Sky stone by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] starstarstarstarstar (139 words)
   Miroku and Shippo have there stone Meanwhile...

22. Chapter 22 Solaris and Blue's Storyline by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] starstarstarstarstar (174 words)
I am extremely weak at the moment

23. Chapter 23 Mimichiko's Daughter and Son + Solaris' true power by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (210 words)

24. Chapter 24 Another friend Ricky by Tagumon [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (29 words)
I meet Ricky again YAY

25. Chapter 25 Picnic by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (191 words)

26. Chapter 26 Solaris and Mimichiko Hitutsu 2/3 Demon Mitotsu 1/3 Demon by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (131 words)
we've been on our Journey to Naraku's palace for about 2 weeks and Mimchiko and I have grown up together threw everything even on our Island      on our journey we noticed a strange castle and we decided to go inside....

27. Chapter 27 Lost in Naraku's palace by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (144 words)
so what happened is After leaving the castle Hitutsu and Mitotsu....

28. Chapter 28 battle for Father Hitutsu v.s. Naraku. by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (152 words)
"Mitotsu Sister Be okay Please I'll Kill him for Us and If i can't at least I die for my duty to protect you...

29. Chapter 29 Hitutsu and Mitotsu meet Sesshomaru by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (116 words)
Sesshomaru used his dragon strike on Naraku but will Mitotsu and Hitutsu be okay or will Sesshomaru kill them???

30. Chapter 30 Solaris Hitutsu Mimichiko Mitotsu Slash and Ricky say farewell by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (131 words)
bye guys until we meet again