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Author's Chapter Notes:
    YAY b


    I walked back to the group holding her body.... I put her down in the bed and left "solaris where ya goin" Inuyasha questioned..."Sorry i must do this alone" I said Leaving going to the path Sesshomaru had his footprint on.....

2  minutes later...

"Sesshomaru i need the Tensaiga to help someone I hold close to my heart I will do anything to bring her back Including Destroy You..." I said Black aura flowing around my body blazing black beams of Energy I moved extremely fast... I almost slipped the sword out... and I got thrown back-words i tried Psycho-Kinesis but I couldn't get it to work.... we battled for an hour but he wasn't trying.... he flew away after I got nocked down for the tenth time...  

   " It's my fault if I never met her she would be alive and Naraku wouldn't have killed her.... It's all my fault..." i said crying "Solaris-kun I love you You and I tried our best as always I know it's hard but you must not fight out of anger..." Mimichiko's Voice said... i looked up and her soul was there and so was her ghost.... "I'm sorry I couldn't Protect you!!! I'm an idiot and I'm a failure not anything like you said!!!" I screamed "Solaris you'll pull through but please make sure Naraku is dead so no one endures pain..... She said evaporating....

I cried more and went to bed....


Chapter End Notes:
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