Penname: inuyasha_rocks [Contact] Real name: alyss
Member Since: 15 Sep 2010
Membership status: Member

i like anime, manga, fantasy, reading. my first anime was 'vampire knight'. my favorite animes are 'inuyasha' and 'yu yu hakusho'. my first manga was 'wish'. my favorite mangas are 'inuyasha' and 'dragon knights' and 'yu yu hakusho'


i am an anime freak!!!

i dont suffer from insanity, i enjoy it!!

dont meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!!



Fanfiction: kuramas-lover97
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Favorite Authors
1. Inumimi
awsome story writer :D
2. Roxotaku
3. ScarlettMidnight1o